IELTS 씹어먹기/IELTS speaking

[아이엘츠] 아이엘츠 스피킹 연습 Day 3

친절한이첼 2022. 2. 1. 18:01

안녕하세요. 이첼입니다!

오늘부터 아이엘츠 스피킹 part3을 연습해보려고 하는데요. 




연습할 문제들을 먼저 올려드리고 본인 스스로 핸드폰으로 음성 녹음을 권장해드려요. 

연습 상대가 있다면 연습 상대와 같이하는 것을 매우 추천하지만

셀프 스터디라고 하신다면 꼭꼭 본인이 핸드폰으로 연습하실 때 녹음을 하시고 

녹음이 끝난 이후에는 꼭 다시 들어보시기 바랍니다.



셀프 스터디 방법 


1) 핸드폰으로 녹음 시작


2) 문제를 소리 내어 읽고 답하기 



자 그럼 오늘은 part 3 시작해볼까 합니다. 




■ PART III. (4~5 mins)

• What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

• Why do young people prefer to live in cities?

• Do most older people live in the city or the countryside?

• Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?



3) 녹음 내용 들어보기


4) 본인이 녹음한 내용에서 스스로 생각하기에 틀린 문법/개선해야 할 어휘를 체크 


5) 체크한 부분을 수정해서 댓글을 이용해도 좋고, 메모장을 이용해서 문장을 완성한 뒤 읽어보기를 권장합니다. 

 본인이 완성한 문장에 틀린 부분의 문법은 구글에 검색하시면 그래머 체크 무료로 해주는 사이트들이 있어요.

 대략 아래와 같은 사이트... ( 무료인 것 같은데 프리미엄으로 자꾸 업데이트하라고 유도합니다.... 참고하셔서 사용하세요 )


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When you begin editing and proofreading your text, start with larger problems, such as clarity and structure. Make your focus increasingly narrower as you work. Focus on your overall points or arguments, then paragraphs, then sentences. After you have edit




이러한 사이트 들을 이용해서 본인이 완성한 문장에 대해서 수정을 꼭 하시길 바라며, 제가 별도로 좋은 답변들이 있다면 추가할 예정입니다.

첨부된 내용들을 읽어보시고 본인의 답변과 매칭 해서 쓰면 좋겠다 하시는 분들은 그렇게 수정하셔도 좋을 것 같습니다. 





part3는 part1 보다는 조금 더 길게 답하시는 게 좋아요. 

그리고 아이디어가 부족하다거나 모자라면 꼭 브레이밍스톰을 미리 해보시길 권장해요.





예시 답변 ( 제 개인적인 견해입니다. 참고만 하시길바랍니다. ) 

• What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

Of course, there is an advantage when a lot of tourists visit a city. First of all, it will boost the economy because visitors bring in a lot of money by paying for accommodations and restaurants. For example, they stay at least 1 night so they definitely need somewhere to stay.

Also, when a lot of tourists visit a minor city, there is a possibility that it can become a major city one day. The locals would find this advantageous as they can earn more money and it will also attract others to migrate to this area. 


• Why do young people prefer to live in cities?

First of all, having more job opportunities. They earn more money in the city. Even for those young people who grew up in the countryside, they’d move to the city for their careers later on in their lives. 

Another reason is the convenience in terms of transportation and establishments that are available.  These are some of the reasons why young people want to move to bigger cities.


• Do most older people live in the city or the countryside?

I think most elders prefer to live outside the city. There are reasons why. First of all, they prefer the quiet and since they are already retired, they don't want to live in crowded places. Another reason is most likely old folks can afford to live in bigger houses which are mostly located in the countryside. Maybe they can have beautiful scenery in their backyards. Lastly, I think they can have better social interactions. I think city people don’t really care about their neighbors.


• Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?

Yes. There are a few disadvantages for the locals. Firstly, tourist places usually have a higher cost of living. I think people who live in those areas spend more money on basic necessities and establishmentsSecondly, when a place is crowded, there might be more crimes such as scamming and stealing. Not just for the tourists but the locals would be affected as well. 





오늘도 수고하셨습니다 ~ 
